Nostalgia’s Symphony
– Diya Mathur
Nostalgia is a beautiful symphony of sweet and a little bittersweet, memories. It’s that cozy patchwork quilt that wraps us up and takes us back to the to the time when life was filled with endless joy, laughter, love and simplicity. Like flipping through photos from another age or catching a whiff of grandma’s perfume or remembering all the warmth in those childhood friendships. It really just makes us so thankful for the past. All these things remind us of how far we have come, how incredible our journey has really been.
But at the same time, nostalgia can be an equally haunting melody, full of lines of melancholy. It’s all about lost innocence, dreams that didn’t really come to fruition, paths we chose not to take. It really tugs at the heartstrings and makes us ache for those bygone good old days that feel truly distinct from the troubles besetting the modern world. Sometimes, it even does this to such an extent that it covers up the happiness of the present, making the past seem much better than it really was.
But, in this tussle of emotions, in the end, nostalgia resorts to the very human inside us. It is like a bridge that of connecting between then us and what we are today. Nostalgia helps us value the present, accept change, and gain comfort in the very fluidity of time. As much as it is painful, essentially, nostalgia reminds us about the very beauty of this given journey and growth through the passage of time.