The Halted Hourglass – Zahra Mukadam
Zahra Mukadam “I used to be a mature child now I am just a childish woman”
Zahra Mukadam “I used to be a mature child now I am just a childish woman”
Yatika Bhaskaran Ascend these vintage steps, surrounded by lush greenery that whispers tales of the past. Each step carries the charm and memories of bygone days.
Yana Suresh उस रात दिवारो पे अपने हाथों से उस तस्वीर को बनाया, ऐसा बनाया के बचपन याद आया, जब दीवार पूरी स्केचबुक होती थी, और मैं दीवार रंगते-रंगते खुद…
Avni Khandelwal Avni, a 14 year old writer and photographer, expresses her creativity through write-ups and her camera lens and reminisces of times simpler and softer through these mediums. She…
Naisha Parnandy The thing I miss most about being a child is not having back pain.
Shreya Mathur Nostalgia, an intricate dance of shadow and light, intertwined in a blanket of memories, some beautiful, some equally painful, but all of them perfect. As I sit here,…
Pratithi Devmani Lost in nostalgia’s embrace, I paint memories with hues of longing, shades of echoes from the past and strokes of sweet memories.
Anvita Kotwal Picky eater- A comic about how the way you celebrate birthdays changes as you get older.