Looking at the stars/Shining among them – Raunak Chopra

Looking at the stars/ Shining among them

~Raunak Chopra

Once upon a time there were two sisters.

The younger one was permanently in awe of the older,

Mimicking what she did, what she wore, what she said.

Her elder sister was her whole world.

She was her sun, her moon and all her stars.


Slowly and steadily they both grew up,

the idealistic young girls.

They both wanted to grow up faster and faster and now,

Fighting against the path they were on,

Running as fast as they could towards adolescence.

Well the older one won the race,

And lo and behold,

Both sisters quickly found out that it was not what they had expected.


The elder sister felt too much at times and nothing at all the next day,

And the younger watched as her solar system spun into turmoil.

They grew used to it.


Slowly as the younger one got older,

They grew even closer, a different kind than before.

It was new and difficult and different,

But what can you do? The world spins on.

Longing to go back and thinking about what once was.


One day the younger sister realised that the elder had passed it on.

Her bouquet of bloom.

And the younger had caught it,

Realising too what it meant to be holding it.


Once upon a time there were two sisters.

My elder sister was my whole world.

She was my sun, my moon and all my stars.

Slowly and steadily we both grew up,

We grew even closer, a different kind than before.

It is new and difficult and different,

I am up there with her now, a bright and brilliant star,

Shining my best, holding my bouquet of bloom.


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