Of all I was.
– Aditi Mish

People often ask me 

wouldn’t you like to be a child again? 

To be five, or seven or ten 

or maybe even an infant? 

and me? Well I never know what to say 

so I smile 

And they must think in agreement 

Because they never notice the bitterness. 

When I think about seven year old me 

It hurts. I think-

What does she know of life? 

What does she know of how brutal and violent and chaotic and captivating it is? 

No, she does not know. 

She does not know that she is beautiful,

that what everyone tells her every day 

about her skin and her teeth and her glasses it is wrong, wrong, wrong. 

She does not know 

that she is not stupid or incapable 

intelligence is not measured by 

or through numbers. 

she does not know 

that her fantasies came true 

She was right.

When she is older she will cut her hair 

and people will laugh with her, not at her 

and her best friend will be prettier than spring she will have friends– good ones 

who smile when she smiles. 

but neither does she know 

that right now her brother is ten 

but one day he will be eighteen and he will be gone and she will wave goodbye, smiling through a torn heart because she does not want him to cry. 

Neither does she know 

it is easy to fall in love 

but oh so difficult to fall out of it. 

Neither does she know 

she will spiral down, down, down 

locking her past in some untended corner of her heart and throwing away the key.

Time to time, something will be extracted bitterly examined 

and thrust back again. 

she does not know 

that as she gets louder on the outside a void will consume her 

until there is nothing left 

but an empty, smiling face. 

Then again 

perhaps even I do not know 

someday the vacuum might be filled
I might be whole again. 

But for now she is seven 

and she is alright. 

And her brother wants to show her a new game and her mother made pizza for dinner and her father is smiling down at her so 

I will let her be. 


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