Pinpricks of Pride and Rivers of Regret – Raunak Chopra

Pinpricks of Pride and Rivers of Regret

~Raunak Chopra

I am growing up and around.

There’s a difference between changing and evolving, I have found.

Still the same girl, sticky hands, scraped knees,

More hesitant and less loud now, same tree, new leaves.


I am growing up and around.

God complexes and lotus petals abound.

Remembering, pinpricks of pride and rivers of regret,

5 year old me would gasp, same soul, new debt.


I am growing up and around.

Trying to go back, digging my hands into the ground.

Protected by the downpour for a while,

Rain streams down my upturned face, fresh drops, same smile.


I am growing up and around.

My shining eyes, un-ubiquitous innocence surrounds

Looking up at the moon

Marveling at the patience of the patient, new music player, same tune.


I am growing up and around.

There’s a difference between changing and evolving, I have found.

Still the same girl, sticky hands, scraped knees,

More hesitant and less loud now, same tree, new leaves.


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