Some of the content in this issue may be potentially triggering for certain audiences. Please proceed with caution and as per your capacity. Moreover, we recommend contacting a clinical professional…
Some of the content in this issue may be potentially triggering for certain audiences. Please proceed with caution and as per your capacity. Moreover, we recommend contacting a clinical professional…
The Reflections Team reached out to Mind Piper, a social enterprise that envisions a society where people can seek help for mental health issues without any fear of stigma or…
Please note: The protagonist of this story suffers from derealisation disorder, with occasional episodes of depersonalisation. These are real mental disorders, which the author has tried to portray authentically after…
| Image Credits: Mudit Saklani | From left to right: The claw-like structure represents the most negative part of the mind, which tries to grab on and drag you down.…
That night I cried, And picked up the knife to end this life That night I thought, Of all the fights I’ve fought That night was pretty, As the lights…
It’s when you’re caught up in your own thought’s cage, They say you’re too young to be depressed and maybe this is just a phase You die a little inside,…
Expectations are set too high, Kill me, I’d rather die. The sky might fall anytime now, A sword pushing me down to bow. The night sky is my happiness’ nemesis.…
Your heart might pound Your hands might shake Your palms might sweat Your will might break. You will be scared You will be uneasy You will be disturbed You will…
Mental health has become something of a joke. Memes with ironic captions along the lines of ‘battling crippling depression and anxiety haha’ are teeming around the Internet, contributing to making…
“The beach in the US.. *EXAMS*. The joke about Samosas my friend told me.. *EXAMS*. *BOARDS, KIDNAPPINGS, CREEPY MAN, EXAAAAAAMS!* The bag of candy I hid from my sister.. *CREEPY…
They tell me my problems aren’t big enough Because someone has it worse Because I don’t appreciate what I have They tell me, “you’re too young to feel this way.”…
Look at this badass motherlover Genre: Horror | Action Plot: Earth is invaded by snake-like organisms of unknown origins one night. Thankfully, this doesn’t go where most animes go *cough…
Summed up in a line: wololo Memorable quote: OCHEDIN VALANNOR! Genre: Action | Beat ‘em Up Online: Only for PS4 / X1; rubbish anyways Open-world? Yes Feels? Nah mate. Platinum…
Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy. The worst place you can be is in your own head. The biggest wars are those that rage within you. It is all…
A suicide is all it takes for people to realise that they miss or care for that person. The mere existence of this shows that we don’t care enough. But…
Hidden is the thunder, Growling behind my eyes. Hidden is the anger, In my silent cries. Hidden stays the war, Between my heart and mind. Hidden, will it stay forever?…
Conversations about mental health aren’t just about emotions. They are about illnesses too. As much as we try to pretend that all 7.6 billion people in this world are neurotypical,…
I, Khushi Rai Baranwal of class IX have written this for those who can’t express their feelings well. For those, who even after being capable to express themselves can’t do…
I cried & I yelped Maybe you could have helped, Stood beside me made me feel free But instead, you chose to judge, and held on to your grudge Told…
“If you’re depressed, reach out to someone. And remember, suicide is a permanent solution, to a temporary problem.” – Robin Williams Depression is an illness. Period. It is not just…
Do you think ‘I can’t do it.’ ‘I’ll never be able to make it.’ Remember, there were many who thought the same way…but they survived. I want you to know…