Taylor’s Version – Tanvi Kamra

After the crash of her getaway car, she lay on the holy ground as the midnight rain freckled her face,
She deafened herself to the cameras’ clicks and the high decibels of censure-filled nods, ripping her state of grace.

She inflated the balloons of the haunted voices with helium and set them afloat,
She stood in the afterglow knowing she was clean and the forever winter of her desolation was replaced with karma’s dote.

Her pain, no longer labeled ‘manipulative’, she fought through the great war with her
perfectly good heart and emerged out of the woods,
For the chink in her armor, she recited a prayer of gratitude, she embraced the support that never left her neighborhoods.

She approached the daylight, heard the delicate echoes,
“Without those past battle wounds, you wouldn’t’ve risen alive from this death by a thousand cuts, safe and sound“,
Long story short, during the cremation of her reputation, she could finally allow her bona fide soul to be crowned.

– Tanvi Kamra, Lotus Valley International School, Noida


“Why She Disappeared” – a poem by Taylor Alison Swift; several songs from Taylor Swift’s albums


By editor

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