He stood for hours in the long queues,
worked incessantly to improve his credentials,
You didn’t give him the opportunity because
Being your son is all that’s essential .
He thought his merit would suffice
And that he would succeed soon,
Little did he know how much you prioritized
Your son born with a silver spoon.
He toiled and refined his skills
But your son was more qualified for you.
He carried society’s enervating ills
On his moiled shoulders with a smile.
He thought he’d get the job,
But you didn’t give him the role.
Leaving him crippled and doubtful
And parching his soul.
He worked on himself,
to reach where he deserved to be,
But He felt put on the shelf
As He cried himself to sleep.
He thought of himself as inferior
But decided not give up
For he wasn’t as weak as your son
To feel defeated by your wind up.
He decided to be self made
And worked tirelessly
And without your aid,
He performed terrifically well.
He strived to achieve his goal ,
His accomplishments made him proud
And watered his parched soul
He was happy, for once.
But he was a threat to your son,
How could you not suppress him?
After all, he was an outsider in “your” industry
Isn’t that enough of a sin?
He endlessly looked for work
But his positions were taken away
For he made his own path
And for them, you created the way.
He sweated to survive your repression,
And struggled against your unjust steps
And gave it in to depression,
He started questioning himself.
He tried to voice his opinion,
But so many were teamed up against him.
He feebly looked for support
but y’all smiled a ruthless grin.
He decided to enter a space
Where his mother, his only guardian, was there,
The only one who would wipe tears off his face
The beating of his heart ceased.
And then you cried fake sympathy
And acted like you cared
But deep down you know
Because of you, he despaired.
I just have a small question,
Your response would’ve been the same,
You would’ve pushed him into death,
If he shared your last name?
– Sanjali Sharma, Amity International School, Noida