From the Editor’s Mac – Ananya Grover
the thought of writing physically repulses me my body recoiling at the creative exertion the thinking, the feeling, the processing of emotions that are best left untouched. I tried writing…
the thought of writing physically repulses me my body recoiling at the creative exertion the thinking, the feeling, the processing of emotions that are best left untouched. I tried writing…
The only sound he could hear was the crunching of pebbles under his footsteps. The crowded thoroughfare was eerily quiet and deserted today–– it was a Friday evening, too–– on…
Disclaimer: The following contains snippets from the diaries of people all over India. This is the author’s attempt at empathy and is no way a confession that she comes at…
To Cinema, With Love Opinion: An Artist’s Place in a crisis —————————————————————————————————— First things first the NOVEL CORONAVIRUS IS A PANDEMIC; please realise the seriousness of the situation now. All…
December 15, 2019. I flip through the pages of my physics book, exhausted. It’s midnight. Intending to take a short break, I pick up my phone and log on to…
To me, surviving through a crisis means not falling into peer pressure. In the United States, there are contrasting mindsets at all levels. On one end of the spectrum, people…
Delhi wasn’t just burning, it was screaming and begging for mercy. Its feet soaked in gasoline, ashes substitute tickles. With the spark of communalism and fascist narratives, Politicians grinned as…
Let me commence with a brief introduction about myself. I am the youngest among the coronavirus brothers, just the third among those that can infect humans. My journey began at…
Whenever one experiences suffering, it triggers him to start questioning his whole life and if anything that he did was even relevant. His accomplishments seem trivial and immaterial. This is…
As the years progress, we are faced with new issues that force us to come up with new innovative solutions. COVID-19 would be an example of this. The whole situation…
Disclaimer: The story is a disturbing and dystopian account of the year 2020 and may not be suitable for all readers. The key finally twists inside the rusting lock. The…
The world is shut down for a while, Earth has gone into exile, The soil and the sun slumber, Her oceans and flowers encumber. She is awake and irate, Her…
We are living through a pandemic. We are fighting because the divine whose name is lost in an array of variables, is allegedly saying some really wrong stuff. We are…
Dear COVID-19, We are quite aware that there is a slim chance that you get the time to read our letter, amidst your packed schedule. Mr Novel Coronavirus, more like…
We, humans, are a captious and nitpicky race, constantly looking for a negative, even in the best of situations. While I was growing up, the word ‘crisis’ was often believed…
Eat food. Cook food/Learn how to cook food. Watch television (Don’t immediately direct yourself to news channels). Watch Netflix/Amazon Prime/Other streaming services. Read a book. Write a story/poem/others. Water the…
Our beloved Mother Earth has gone through a lot this year, and the global COVID-19 or novel coronavirus pandemic––an unanticipated nightmare for humankind––is maybe just a break for her. Our…
We are from a generation which thinks nothing wrong can happen to us. We believe all the wrongs have already been done and we know about them through history books,…
"Is Sickness Creativity?" by Aastha Shreeharsh
In the midst of always gathering and bothering, We all have forgotten what we are shattering, All we have ever done is hampering. Nurturing nature at first, Then snatching everything…
For as long as I can remember, I have had the ability to see angels and devils on people’s shoulders. As a kid, I used to think of them as…
The melting snow, And the overflowing waters, The rising temperatures, And the planet gets hotter. We think it’s a joke but, Is it really, though? We not only waste water,…
After a long period of human torture and burden, Earth is filling its lungs with pure oxygen. Birds got their skies wide and clear, They can fly without any noise…
-Sahaj Sabharwal, Jammu city, Jammu and Kashmir
As the world makes another spin, It feels pretty different this time! Her belief shines in her sparkling eyes As she prays for someone in a cape, to hold her…